Filson Filter Fri, 10 Sep 2021 01:12:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Filson Filter 32 32 PVC Bag Filter Housing: The Ultimate FAQ Guide Fri, 10 Sep 2021 01:10:26 +0000 If you have any questions about PVC bag filter housing, you’ll find the answer right here. Among the key aspects in this guide include working conditions, uses, features and maintenance processes among other vital aspects. Keep reading to learn more. What is a PVC Bag Filter Housing? How do you clean a PVC Bag Filter …

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The post PVC Bag Filter Housing: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.

If you have any questions about PVC bag filter housing, you’ll find the answer right here.

Among the key aspects in this guide include working conditions, uses, features and maintenance processes among other vital aspects.

Keep reading to learn more.

What is a PVC Bag Filter Housing?

A PVC Bag Filter Housing is a vessel that houses the elements you’ll use in the filtration process.

They are available in different styles and sizes.

Depending on the design, you can use these filtration systems for a range of applications in the process industry.

It can hold from 1- 24 or more bag filters, depending on design and type.


PVC bag filter housing

How do you clean a PVC Bag Filter Housing?

It is easy to clean a PVC Bag Filter Housing.

You can clean this device using solvents or via steam cleaning.

You expose the device to these cleaning agents until you are sure that the different parts are clean enough.

Typically, PVC Bag Filter Housings are blasted with glass beads then cleaned later.

Some beads are highly likely to remain in the housing requiring further cleaning.

You can clean the housing using a process suitable cleaning liquid.

Other times you can clean the housing using demineralized water or pickling acid.

Some movable parts of a PVC Bag Filter Housing may be lubricated at the factory, and this depends on the specific design.

Although the lubricant is not often dangerous, it is good to clean it to avoid potential hazards.

Are PVC Bag Filter Housing better than Stainless-Steel Bag Filter Housing?

Absolutely, yes.

The casing of a PVC Bag Filter Housing is made using PVC material while that of Stainless-steel bag filter housing is made using stainless-steel material of different grades.


Stainless steel bag filter housing

PVC Bag Filter Housing are more economical than Stainless-Steel Bag Filter Housing.

They are more economical in terms of functional efficiency, the chosen material compatibility and the costs.

They are better at filtering highly viscous fluids

They are built for high dirt holding capacity and high flow rate.

PVC Bag filter housing

PVC Bag filter housing

What are the Applications for PVC Bag Filter Housing?

You can use this device in a wide range of applications to improve filtration efficiency in a chemical/physical process.

Here are some of the applications for PVC Bag Filter Housing:

  • Coating and paint
  • Acids, alkali solvents
  • Sea water, desalination
  • Food and beverage
  • Sugar syrup
  • Polymers
  • Lacquers
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Ink
  • Paints
  • Oil application

What are the Operating Limits of a PVC Bag Filter Housing?

Some of the operating limits are:

The pressure of ≤4/7 bars

Temperature 4 to 45°C

Flow rate of ≤ 12 m3/h – ≤ 23 m3/h

What are the Benefits of a PVC Bag Filter Housing?

A PVC Bag Filter Housing offers the following benefits:

i. Constructed from 100% light weight PVC material that is not only strong but also highly resistant to different chemicals

ii. Suitable for low-pressure applications of up to 7 bars

iii. A steady construction of the device. This eliminates possible leakages or breakdown.

iv. It has a self-seal gasket that ensures the maximum operating pressure

v. It has a UV inhibitor for long-lasting, durable and all-weather operation

vi. Comes in different sizes; there are size 1, 2, 4 and over. One can easily chose what fits their application.

vii. Easier installation; since there are manuals/instructions on how to install the device, one can easy to set it up within their plants.

What are the Quality Tests done on PVC Bag Filter Housing?

You have to conduct several quality tests on a PVC Bag Filter Housing to ensure that although it is affordable, it is still high quality.

Some of the tests done on the device are:

i. Pressure Seal Test

This quality test is done following the installation of a PVC Bag Filter Housing.

Pressure seal test is based on the two operating conditions; closing and opening procedures of the device.

The device is exposed to this process of opening and closing to determine the quality of the seal.

ii. Leak Test

This quality test is done to determine whether the device can withstand the high pressures and temperatures without experiencing any leakage.

What is the Cost of PVC Bag Filter Housing?

PVC Bag Filter Housing are cost-effective.

The raw material, PVC, is affordable.

A complex PVC Bag Filter Housing design will definitely make PVC bag filter housing more expensive.

Some of these features include the chamber design, flow rate and lid design among others.

The manufacture, installation and maintenance costs are equally affordable.

What is the Maximum Operating Pressure for PVC Bag Filter Housing?

The maximum operating pressure for PVC Bag Filter Housing is 6 bars.

However, for customized options, the maximum operating pressure for these devices may be higher/less than the above 6 bars.

What are the Features of PVC Bag Filter Housing?

Some of the features of PVC Filter Housing are:

  • A reinforced body for long service life
  • Compact design
  • High precision
  • Made using PVC material that has excellent properties suitable for low- and high-pressure applications
  • Are light weight; they are made using material that does not carry much weight.
  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • Ultra Violet rays resistant
  • Are affordable, yet high quality
  • Support legs for support of the device
  • Some are opaque thus helping prevent any UV rays from impairing the operation of the device

What are the Components of a PVC Bag Filter Housing?

Some of these parts of a PVC Bag Filter Housing are:

i. Internal support basket; this element supports the PVC Bag Filter in its right position.

ii. Bag filter element; it is attached to the housing to facilitate the filtration of solutions/fluids

iii. Housing; it holds all of the elements inside of the device.

iv. Mounting stand; this element supports the device so it can stand on its own.

v. Sealing ring; this feature aids in the transfer of the chamber cover force all through the filter bag seal circumference.

Parts of PVC bag filter housing

Parts of PVC bag filter housing

What are the Pipe Connections for PVC Bag Filter Housing?

Some of the pipe connections for PVC Bag Filter Housing include:

  • Flange connection
  • Threaded connection
  • Socket

How does a PVC Bag Filter Housing work?

A PVC Bag Filter Housing is easy to operate.

You allow fluids to get in through the inlet nozzle of the PVC Bag Filter Housing.

It then directs the fluid flow to the bag filter put inside the device.

The bag then separates the contaminants from the fluid.

Following this, you collect a clear fluid from the outlet nozzle.

What are the Factors to Consider when Designing a PVC Bag Filter Housing?

When designing your PVC Bag Filter Housing, you have to ensure that it has the best features and capabilities.

It must operate at its maximum potential for the success of the device.

However, below are some factors to consider when designing this device:

I. Mode of Operation – Continuous/batch

The mode of operation of a device determines how the PVC Bag Filter Housing is built.

It can have a continuous or batch mode of operation.

The type of mode of operation chosen will be because of the intended applications.

II. Service Time

You should build a PVC Bag Filter Housing that can work at its optimum best over a long time.

It should have a service life of more than five years.

III. Cost

When designing your device, you must ensure that the costs are affordable.

Costs include the manufacture, installation and maintenance costs.

The cost of the raw materials must also be manageable, yet high quality.

IV. Total Suspended Solid

You have to estimate a specific volume of TSS so that the device can comfortably hold the volume.

This is regardless of the volume of fluid/substances that will pass through the filtration system.

V. Material

It should effectively function within the set maximum pressure, temperature and overall process.

It should also have properties such as chemical compatibility, durability, and corrosive resistance.

VI. Filtration Rating

The rate of filtration although is dependent on the bag filter, the resulting fluid or substance still passes through the housing outlet nozzle.

It is therefore important to place this factor into consideration when designing your device.

  VII. Operating Temperature

The PVC Bag Filter housing must withstand the high temperatures applied at a specific application.

VIII. Operating Pressure

The device should be able to effectively function at the chemical/physical process.

It should withstand the operating pressures of around or more than 7 bars.

IX. Flow Rate

You have to consider the size of the device.

This depends upon the length and diameter of the PVC Bag Filter Housing.

Whether you have a small or large PVC Bag Filter Housing depends on the calculated flow rate.

Other factors you have to consider are the specific temperature and gravity, viscosity, volume, size of particles and the desired efficiency.

What are the Quality Codes and Standards for PVC Bag Filter Housing?

Before introducing PVC Bag Filter Housings into the market, manufacturers/suppliers must ensure that they are of high quality and safe to use.

There are different quality standards that they have to comply with.

These codes and standards reflect the design, manufacturing, and maintenance requirements for this device.

Some of the quality codes and standards include:

i. ASME Code

ii. ISO 9001: Certification

iii. CE

What is a PVC Bag Filter?

Bag filter and filter housing

Bag filter and filter housing

A PVC Bag Filter is a device used for trapping contaminants in various depths to accomplish the filtration requirements as part of the whole system.

This bag filter is connected to a high-pressure inlet at the top and filtrate exists at the bottom and sides of the device.

PVC Bag Filter is mainly made using PVC material that has excellent corrosion/UV resistance, chemical compatibility and durability.

It is an economical choice for various filtration applications.

If paired with the right filter bag housing, you can eliminate/reduce waste disposal costs, minimize process downtime, improve product quality and minimize maintenance costs.

What is a PVC Bag Filter used for?

PVC Bag Filters are often used for 1-200-micron nominal filtration applications.

This device can be applied in different applications such as inks, automotive paints and varnishes, process water and chemicals.

They are used to:

  • Determine the filtration efficiency
  • Determine particle retention

Are PVC Bag Filter Housing customizable?

Of course, yes.

You can customize your PVC Bag Filter to meet your client’s unique needs.

A client gives their specific drawings, design, measurements, flow rate, and other key requirements to the designer.

The designer, therefore, makes the proper changes to suit the client’s needs.

The customized pieces are often expensive than the standard ones due to their unique requirements.

The cost of the material, the complexity of the design as well as the special skills required to build the device.

How Long does a PVC Bag Filter Housing last?

A PVC Bag Filter Housing can last up to 10 years.

They are designed in such a way that they can endure years of harsh service.

The materials are chosen, reinforcement, fabrication, and functionality of the device are responsible for their high endurance.

As such, they can operate in different applications for a very long time.

It is however important to replace the parts/the housing after 5 years to ensure operation at optimum best.

At least, by this time the device would have started experiencing some failures.

Do PVC Filter Bag Housing have a warranty?

Yes, they do.

They have a warranty of 2 years or more depending on the supplier/manufacturer.

During these 2 years from the time of purchase, you can return the product in case of manufacturing defects.

However, if damage is as a result of physical processes/forces caused by a user, then the supplier/manufacturer cannot return it.

FilSon Filters designs and manufactures a range of PVC bag filter housing depending on unique requirements of clients.

We offer the best prices in the market while adhering to strict quality control processes.

Contact us now for all your PVC bag filter bag housing.

The post PVC Bag Filter Housing: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.

UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing: The Ultimate FAQ Guide Wed, 08 Sep 2021 15:43:54 +0000 Before importing UPVC cartridge filter housing, read this guide. It has all information that will help you find high performance and reliable cartridge filter housing. Keep reading to learn more. What is a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing? UPVC cartridge filter housing This is a “container” that houses cartridge filter. Therefore, it forms the casing of …

UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing: The Ultimate FAQ Guide Read More »

The post UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.

Before importing UPVC cartridge filter housing, read this guide.

It has all information that will help you find high performance and reliable cartridge filter housing.

Keep reading to learn more.

What is a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

UPVC cartridge filter housing

UPVC cartridge filter housing

This is a “container” that houses cartridge filter.

Therefore, it forms the casing of cartridge filter.

It allows free flow of liquid in and out of the filter system.

UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing is specially made using UPVC material.

The diameter of UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing is large enough to accommodate approximately 1-500 filter cartridges.

Sediment filter cartridge

Sediment filter cartridge

Besides, this housing facilitates high-precision filtration that achieve several functions/purposes. The filtration is so precise that you can drink the water/beverage or food that is filtered through this device.

What are the Features of a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing must have the right features to set them apart from the other cartridge filter housings.

These features should also contribute to the overall excellent performance and efficiency of the device.

Some of the features of UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing are:

  • Easy to install and replace
  • Excellent appearance
  • There is single unit disassembly for easy cartridge replacement and cleaning
  • It can have a self-cleaning feature
  • Cost savings
  • Can remove different types of particles
  • Low pressure drop/high flow rate
  • Compact design
  • It is a fully draining device
  • Suitable for single unit and multi-filter cartridge filters

What are the Applications for UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

Below are the applications for UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing:

  • Biochemical water treatment
  • Filtration
  • Food and beverage
  • Drinking water/home water purification
  • Cosmetics
  • Pharmaceuticals; inks and paints/intermediates and dyes
  • Swimming pool
  • Chemical systems
  • Industrial facilities
  • Commercial RO
  • Sewerage treatment
  • Electronic industry
  • Coolants in dairy and other industries

Are there size limitations to UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

Of course not.

There are a wide range of sizes of UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

A UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing can house cartridge filters of different sizes such as 10’’, 20’’, 30’’, 40’’ standard and customized sizes.

UPVC cartridge filter housing

UPVC cartridge filter housing

What are the Operating Conditions for UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

The operating conditions of this device include the suitable conditions that enable a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing to effectively function at their optimum best.

Below are the operating conditions for this device:

  • The maximum temperature is 500C
  • The maximum working pressure is 100 PSI
  • The capacity of this device can go up to 2000 m3 /hr.

How much does UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing Cost?

UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing are sold at cost-effective prices.

The market price is often favorable to the users who utilize the UPVC Cartridge Filter Housings in different applications.

For instance, 1 piece of UPVC cartridge filter housing usable in water treatment can cost $390 – 430.

The cost of this device depends on several factors such as:

  • Material selected
  • Complexity of design; a more complex design requires more costs to build.
  • Customization capacities; you have to customize the features and capabilities of the device and this is often costly to the client
  • Type of design
  • Manufacture process
  • Maintenance/replacement costs

Overall, UPVC Cartridge Filter Housings are cost effective.

Does UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing have a Warranty?

UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing has a more than 2 years warranty.

However, manufacturers can provide different warranties for their UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

The warranty covers all mechanical defects that could have occurred during the manufacture process.

The warranty starts from the time of purchase to the end of the two-year period the user will be using the device.

In the event that there are physical defects accrued during use, the user has to pay for the damages and not the manufacture.

These damages are not covered by the warranty.

What are the Elements of UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

For efficient functioning, a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing must have all of the key elements. These elements perform different functions ranging from the sealing to the housing of the different elements.

Below are the elements of a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing:

  1. O-ring; aids in secure sealing, and easy and quick cartridge change-outs.
  2. Gasket; it often fills the surface between the housing device keeping it tightly sealed.
  3. Casing/housing; this element acts as the housing of the device keeping all the other elements such as the cartridge filer within this system.
  4. Flanged/threaded connections; they allow easy connection on the floor to conserve space and facilitate easy mounting on the equipment.
  5. A drain; it aids in easy sampling, draining and venting.
  6. Inlet/outlet nozzle; they aid in the entry and exit of fluids in the UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

How does a UPVC Bag Filter Housing and UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing compare?

While a UPVC Bag Filter Housing is a system used to house bag filters, a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing encases a cartridge filter.

A UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing contains both multi and single unit surface and deep-filters while a UPVC Bag Filter Housing contains only a surface bag filter.

Contrary to UPVC Bag Filter Housings, UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing is chosen as a sub-micron filtration.

Especially in places where there is need for the removal of fine particles or where there are extremely low micron levels of contamination.

There are instances where it acts as the final step to purification.

While you can reuse UPVC Bag Filter Housings, you can dispose off them when you are done.

UPVC Bag Filter Housing and UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing are all used in the filtration of liquids. Even so, the latter has a pleated conformation guaranteeing a greater filter surface area that lacks in the UPVC Bag Filter Housing.

Why use UPVC Material for UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

When choosing a material for your device’s construction ensure that it is one suitable for the application it is intended for.

UPVC material has excellent properties that make it suitable for the manufacture of a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

Some of these properties include:

  • It is corrosion resistant
  • Has chemical compatibility
  • Good strength/rigid
  • Has good barrier and UV resistance properties

What are the Benefits of UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

Here are some of the benefits of a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing that sets them apart from other cartridge filter housings:

  • It has threaded/flange connections for easy mounting on the floor to conserve space or on an equipment.
  • Has a user-friendly cover lifting device for quick and easy replacement of cartridge filters.
  • Has minimum pressure drop across the cartridge filter at rated flow rates
  • Are affordable
  • It is convenient to use
  • Due to optimized flow patterns there are minimal pressure losses
  • Good resistance to oxidation by atmospheric oxygen and UV rays
  • Has a long life expectancy, and this is due to the UPVC material involved in its construction
  • There is crevice-free welding which gives a smooth interior for easy cleaning

What are the Designs of a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

Below are some of the designs of a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing:

·         Single Cartridge Filter Housing

Single cartridge filter housing

Single cartridge filter housing

It involves a bolt closure, camp closure or a ring-nut closure with a standard O-ring for easy and quick cartridge change-outs as well as easy cleaning.

The housing configuration include open type, L-type, T-type and inline.

It has adjustable-height legs and flexible connections to enable the end-user to install the vessel in a limited or new space.

They are ready to install with O-ring, gaskets and other parts.

Single Cartridge Filter Housing is lightweight, rugged, and low in cost to enable economical filtration of different types of liquids.

·         Multiple Cartridge Filter Housing

Multiple cartridge filter housing

Multiple cartridge filter hosuing

This design has superior contaminant holding and flow capacities with different types and numbers of filter cartridges.

It guarantees outstanding reliable and durability performance across different commercial and industrial applications.

This device has an internal positive pressure cartridge alignment, a sealing plate, quick opening cover, and a swing bolt secured.

  1. Horizontal Cartridge Filter Housing

This device has a horizontal design.

It has a larger diameter cartridge meaning fewer cartridges.

It has a slight pitch to prevent any liquid spillages when opening the cover.

Horizontal Cartridge Filter Housing can allow higher flow rates of up to 8,000gpm.

Can you customize UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

You can custom-make your UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing with a wide range of material, sizes, and design options.

This is to precisely match your holding volume requirements, pressure rating and flow rate.

You give the designer specific drawing measurements to work with and they use them to build a high-quality and safe UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

Also, you can specify the number of cartridge filters to include in your device. They can range from 1-over 200 cartridges.

Do UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing have support legs?

UPVC cartridge filter housing with without support legs

UPVC cartridge filter housing with/without support legs

Not all UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing have support legs.

The support legs are optional. Even so, they help keep the device standing on its own.

What is the Maximum pressure of UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

The maximum pressure of UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing is 105 PSI.

Note: the maximum pressure of this device can change depending on the intended application and the design of the UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

How do you Specify a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing?

Below are the steps taken to specify a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing:

         i.            Material Selection

When choosing the right material for your device, ensure that it can comfortably withstand the operating conditions of your application.

Some of the factors to consider are resistance, the product to filter, operating temperature and the chemistry of the particles to filter.

In this case, you choose a UPVC material for its properties; chemical compatibility, corrosion resistance, rigidness and UV resistance.

       ii.            Find the Right Measurements for the Device

You need to ensure that the UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing is of the right size so you can have replacements.

     iii.            Quality of Construction

The construction of the device must be done in such a way that it has excellent efficiency.

You have to consider a variety of configurations for your UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing during this time.

Whether this device has support legs, it is multi/single unit depends on the configuration you want.

You can include different elements that make up a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing such as the gasket, O-ring, casing and inlet/outlet nozzles among others.

     iv.            Additional Options

You can include further options that can improve the efficiency of the UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

Surface finishes are important to improve the performance and efficiency of the device.

There are several finish options that could be added to a UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing at the time when it is manufactured.

Each material requires a special finish method. You have to use the right surface finish for UPVC material.

Note: the final UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing’s technical specifications will reflect these aspects that were under specification during the design and manufacture.

What is a UPVC Cartridge Filter?

A UPVC Cartridge Filter is a simple and modular filter enclosed within a housing.

It can be usable in removing chemicals or particles from fluids.

This cartridge filter is made using UPVC material.

It is exposed to a solvent, liquid or water that requires filtration as it flows via the housing and passing through the filter element.

This device can also remove submicron particulates. There are two main categories of cartridge filters; surface and depth filters.

It is mainly applied in water purification processes.

What is a UPVC Cartridge Filter used for?

Typically, a UPVC Cartridge Filter allows in unfiltered fluids which is then distributed evenly all around the liquid filter cartridges from outside directly inside.

You then collect solids on the cartridges located outside for easy removal.

Once you have filtered the liquid, you direct it outside via the outlet nozzle of the UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing.

A UPVC Cartridge Filter is used for the following:

Removing unwanted pollutants, particles and chemicals from liquids

It is used across different industries for various filtration requirements

Are UPVC Cartridge Filters Reusable?

Some UPVC Cartridge Filters are less reusable.

The majority of this device are usually disposable.

You have to replace the cartridge filters whenever the UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing is clogged.

Over time, this device gets clogged as substances that are unable to pass the filtration system remains within the various parts of the machine.

At FilSon Filters, we design a range of UPVC cartridge filter housing depending on the specific needs of our clients.

Contact us now for best prices on UPVC cartridge filter housing.

The post UPVC Cartridge Filter Housing: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.

Stirred Tank: The Ultimate FAQ Guide Wed, 08 Sep 2021 15:30:33 +0000 Before buying stirred tank, read this guide. It has all information that will help you choose high performance and quality stirred tank. Let’ dive right in. What is a Stirrer Tank? Stirred tanks are special types of units that you can use in the process of mixing different chemical ingredients. You will use it in …

Stirred Tank: The Ultimate FAQ Guide Read More »

The post Stirred Tank: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.

Before buying stirred tank, read this guide.

It has all information that will help you choose high performance and quality stirred tank.

Let’ dive right in.

What is a Stirrer Tank?

Stirred tanks are special types of units that you can use in the process of mixing different chemical ingredients.

You will use it in chemical engineering to mix different types of chemical reagents by continuously stirring them to perfection.

Stirred tank

Stirred Tank

Which Types of Compounds Can You Mix Using the Stirred Tank?

You can mix different types of compounds using the stirred tank depending on the mode of application.

Here are some of the compounds that you can comfortably mix within the stirred tank.

  • Chemical Compounds
  • Biological Compounds

You should note that the above compounds can be in the form of liquids, solutes or solution thus forming complete mixtures.

What is Residence Time Distribution in Stirred Tanks?

Every chemical or biological compound will spend a considerable amount of time within the stirrer tank.

You should note that the amount of time every compound will spend within stirred tanks vary depending on the compound.

Residence time distribution is the amount of time that discrete amounts of chemical compounds will spend in the stirred tank.

Residence time distribution within the stirred tank will depend on reactor volume as well as the fluid flow rate.

Which Industries Use the Stirred Tanks?

Stirred tank

Stirred tank

You can use the stirred tank in different applications to mix different types of compounds.

Here are the two main applications which will require the services of the stirrer tank.

·         Environmental Engineering Applications

You will use the stirred tank in the environmental engineering industry to perform functions such as:

  1. Water treatment through the process of activated sludge
  2. Waste water treatment through the lagoon treatment systems.
  3. Waste water biosolid stabilization through the use of anaerobic digesters

·         Chemical Engineering Industry

You will use the stirred tank in the chemical engineering industry to perform different functions such as:

  1. Pharmaceutical production by using loop reactors
  2. Fermentation process of different chemical compounds
  3. Production of biogas by mixing different type of biogas producing compounds.

What are the Main Components of the Stirred Tank?

In order to have a clear understanding of how the stirred container system works, you have to know the main components.

Here are the main components of the stirred tank you ought to have knowledge about.

Stirred tank

Stirred tank

·         Tank

This is the outer part of the stirred tank that you will use to hold different capacities of compounds to mix.

You can choose different varieties and capacities of tanks to use in the mixing process of different compounds.

·         Mixer Drive

This is the mechanical part of the stirred tank that will help in the rotation of the mixer which mixes different compounds.

You can comfortably control the speed of the mixer drive which will in turn control the speed of the stirring system.

·         Mixer or Stirring Blades or Agitators

You will use the mixer to assists in the process of stirring or mixing the different types of compounds within the stirrer tank.

The movement and speed of the mixer or stirrer will depend on the driving force that comes from the mixer drive.

·         Top Head Nozzles

You will depend on the top head nozzles to help in the release of pressure that might accumulate within the stirred tank.

It will get rid of the pressure in significant quantities in order to avoid the occurrence of an explosion.

·         Larger Manway

You will open the larger manway to allow the addition of different biological and chemical compounds into the stirrer tank.

It comes complete with a sight glass which allows you to view the whole mixing process in the stirrer tank.

·         Superior Fin Baffle

You will depend on the superior fin baffle for mixing purposes as well as temperature sensing during the mixing process.

It is extra-long in order to reach the deepest parts of the stirrer tank to assess temperature of the smallest batches.

·         Control Panel

You will use the control panel to configure, program, and monitor the whole mixing process.

It comes complete with a touch screen and remote control technology that allows you operate it remotely.

·         Outlet

This is the part of the stirrer tank that you will use to release the complete compound mixtures from the stirrer tanks.

You will release different compounds from the system as soon as all the compounds achieve the residence time.

·         Support System

The support system includes different parts of the stirred tank such as the stirred tank legs, internal and external jackets.

You will note that the support systems are strong enough to withstand seismic and wind conditions as well as temperature insulation.

What is the Working Principle of the Stirred Tank?

The stirred tan usually operates on a steady state basis where it mixes all the reagents that come through.

Here is a step-by-step process that you can follow to properly understand the working principle of the stirred tank.

·         Preparation of Ingredients

You will begin the whole process by preparing all the ingredients that you would like to mix in the stirred reactors.

The preparation of the ingredients includes, arranging them in the order with which you will add them to the stirred tank.

Apart from that, you must also p0repare the machine or the stirrer tank adequately by setting it up correctly.

You will use the control panel to program and configure the stirred tank and then allow it to warm up.

·         Addition of the Ingredients

You will proceed with the addition of the ingredients into the stirred tank through the inlet of the tank.

Remember that it is important to quantify the amount of ingredients that you will be adding into the stirred tank.

You must also add these ingredients in a particular order so as to avoid misfortunate occurrences.

·         Mixing Process

As you add more ingredients into the stirred tank, the stirrer will proceed with the stirring process.

It will stir all the ingredients accordingly at a speed which you will dictate from the control panel.

During the mixing process the sensors and monitors within the tanks will communicate the temperature ratings.

You can also control the temperature and pressure within the stirrer tank by releasing the pressure through top head nozzles.

The process will continue until you get a homogenous mixture or until the residence time is over.

Finally, the machine will release the mixture automatically from the tank through the outlet.

What are the Benefits of Using the Stirred Tanks?

Well, there are numerous benefits that you will derive from the use of the stirrer tank.

Here are some of the advantages of using the stirrer tank in your varying applications.

·         Proper Temperature Control

You can easily control and maintain the temperature of the whole reaction system.

It has a control panel where you will control the overall temperatures and insulating jackets for heat insulation.

·         Cheaper to Manufacture

In comparison to other types of tanks or reactors, you will spend less in the construction of the stirrer tank.

Despite the cheap cost of construction, the materials in use are of very high quality and are readily available.

·         Large Heat Capacity

You have the freedom of controlling the heat within the stirred tank due to the large heat capacities.

In addition to that, the large heat capacity is capable of accommodating reactions that produce a lot of heat.

·         Easy Cleaning and Maintenance

You can easily clean and maintain your stirrer tank with minimal hitches or problems due to ease of accessing the interior.

All you have to do is open the upper part of stirred tank and perform the cleaning and maintenance functions.

·         Low Operation Cost

You will also spend less in the operation of the stirrer tanks since it works fast and uses very little energy.

You will save on the cost of paying power bills and will also avoid expenditure on excess wastage of raw materials.

What are the Disadvantages of Using the Stirred Tanks?

Despite the numerous benefits that you will enjoy, there are particular limitations to the stirred tanks.

Here are some of the limitations that you might experience while using the stirred tanks.

·         Small Conversion of Reactants

You will note that the stirred tanks have a smaller conversion of the reactants to the final products per volume of reactants.

There are other flow reactors that have a greater conversion of the reactants to final product per volume of reactants.

·         Development of Dead Zones

There is a possibility of dead zone development within the stirred tank during the mixing process.

Dead zones are the areas within the reactor where the stirred tank cannot access the reactants for mixing purposes.

·         By- Pass of Reactants

You may also realize that the reactants flow through the stirred tank without proper mixing or reaction.

This will happen in a situation where the outlet is in the wrong position thus prompting release of reactants.

How Many Types of Stirred Reactors Do You Supply?

Stirred tank reactor

Stirred tank reactor

One of the benefits of using the stirred tank is its flexibility and versatility with availability of numerous types.

You will choose among the different types of reactors depending on the application requirements of the stirred tank.

Here are the different types of stirred tanks that you can choose depending on the application requirements.

  • Microbial Stirred Tanks or Fermenters
  • Cell Structure Stirred Tanks or Bioreactors
  • Disposable or Single Use Bioreactors
  • Bioreactors for Special Applications

What is the Difference Between Microbial Stirred Tanks and Cell Culture Stirred Tanks?

The main difference between the microbial stirred tanks and cell culture stirred tanks is operation mode.

Here is a direct comparison between the microbial stirred tanks and the cell structure stirred tanks.

Microbial Stirred Systems

You will use the microbial stirred tanks high shear, rapid mixing as well as proper oxygen transfer.

Microbial stirred tanks have various characteristics that help in the mixing of the different microbial compounds.

Some of the microbial compounds you can mix using the microbial stirred tanks are bacteria, fungi and yeast among others.

The typical characteristics of the microbial stirred tanks or bioreactors include:

  1. Tall height or diameter aspect ratio
  2. Flat bladed, multiple turbine impellors
  3. High rates of gas transfer
  4. Antifoam systems with antifoam sensors.

Cell Structure Stirred Tanks

You will use the cell structure stirred tanks to help in the reduction of system contamination over a particular period.

It employs the gentle mixing technique while using gas mix for a proper oxygen transfer experience.

The typical characteristics that you should look out for in a cell structure stirred tank include:

  1. Low speed and gentle mixing process
  2. Braid marine impellor system
  3. Use of carbon dioxide instead of acid to control the pH.
  4. Use of Nitrogen and Oxygen in the low-flow gas mixtures control of PO2.

How Do Single Use Stirred Tanks Compare to Bioreactors for Special Applications?

Apart from the two types of stirred tanks, there are other types of stirred reactors that you can use.

Here is a comparison between the single use stirred tanks and special use stirred tanks.

Single Use Stirred Tanks

You will use this type of stirred reactor in a situation where validation and speed of the process is required.

It will help in saving of preparation as well as cleaning time thus increasing the overall speed of reaction.

You must, however, replace them after every culture process for the purpose of validation.

Here are the main characteristics of the single use stirrer tanks.

  1. Pre-sterilized to save on the cleaning time
  2. Fewer options for customization
  3. Fewer sensor options
  4. Extractable or leachable considerations

Stirred Tank for Special Applications

You will the stirred tank for special applications to mix reactants that fall within a special category.

It is proper for the mixing of different types of substances such as fungi, algae, and anaerobic bacteria growing on solids.

In this case, you will have to look at different adaptation variations such as geometry, design, as well as mixing techniques.

Can You Categorize the Stirred Tanks According to Size?

Absolutely, you can also categorize different types of stirred tanks according to the different tank sizes.

Here, you will look at the quantity of the culture you need per batch of the stirred tank reactors.

In this case, you can choose among the three types which include:

  • Small-scale or Parallel Bioreactors (For applications under 1 liter)
  • Bench-scale Bioreactors (for applications ranging between 1 and 10 liters)
  • Pilot Scale Bioreactors (for applications more than 10 liters)

How Do You Categorize Stirred Reactors by the Feeding Strategy?

You can also categorize the stirred tanks according to the mode of addition and removal of the reactants.

Here are the three main categories of stirred reactors according to the feeding strategies.

Stainless steel stirred tank

Stainless steel stirred tank

·         Batch Stirred Tanks

In this case, you will not include any liquid feed within the stirrer tank and eliminate none as well.

It is the most ancient form of categorization where the larger the tank reactors the greater the results.

·         Fed-Batch Stirred Tank

Here, you will choose a feeding strategy such as step, linear, dose or exponential which you will use to add more substrates.

At the end of the reaction, you will not remove any form of culture especially in high density cultures.

You may also choose to use multiple feeds depending on the mode of application as it helps in triggering specific genes.

·         Continuous Culture Stirred Tanks

Here, you will add and remove liquid substrates at specific rates by keeping cell density or substrate concentration constant.

You will perform the continuous culture for a longer period which usually lasts for days or even months.

It is the most productive type but it will take quite a lot of time to create a perfect set up.

What is the Price Range for the Acquisition of Stirred Tanks?

Well, due to the different sizes, types, and categories of stirred tanks, you should expect a wide price range.

The better the quality of the stirrer tank, the higher the amount of money you will pay.

In this case, you will look at quality in terms of the level of technology in the stirred tanks and durability.

Apart from that, the bigger the stirred tank you are purchasing, the higher the amount of money you will pay.

In general, stirrer tanks will cost you between 5,000 and 60,000 US dollars to purchase.

How Do You Control the Operating Temperatures of the Stirred Tanks?

You can control the operating temperatures of the stirred tanks by looking at quite a number of factors.

Here are some of the options that you can use to properly control the temperature of the stirred tanks.

·         Checking the Quality of Cooling Water

You should check on the quality of cooling water that cools the stirrer tank on a regular basis.

In this case, you will look at the type of water in terms of hardness as well as organic or bio-count contents.

·         Controlling Reaction Parameters

You can also control the parameters of reaction from the control panel where you will dictate the temperature ranges.

The machine has the capability of controlling the temperatures of the reactions with the help of the sensors.

·         Stabilize the Reaction Rates

You should also stabilize the rate of reaction within the stirrer tanks by ensuring that the working parameters are perfect.

This will eliminate unstable reactions within the stirrer tank and minimize the amount of heat the stirrer tank produces.

Which Specifications Do You Look at When Choosing a Stirred Tanks?

You must also have a plan on the things that you need in a stirred tank before you make a decision.

Here are some of the specifications that you can look into when choosing the stirred tanks.

·         Dimensions of the Tank

You will look at the dimensions of the stirred tank in terms of size and capacity that the tank can handle perfectly.

There are stirred tanks that can handle less than a liter of reactants while others can handle in excess of 10 liters.

·         Type of Stirred Tanks

There are numerous types of stirred tanks that come in handy in various applications.

You should choose a stirred tank according to the industrial application requirements.

·         Type of Materials

Here, you will look at particular factors such as they type of materials in terms of function and durability.

You should choose the best types of materials that will serve its purpose for a very long time.

Which is the Best Material for Manufacturing the Stirred Tanks?

You can use different types of materials in the manufacturing process of the stirred tanks.

Some of the materials that you can use to make the stirred tank include:

  • Stainless Steel Materials
  • Carbon Steel Materials
  • Glass Materials

These materials are highly durable and also has very high mechanical and tensile strength.

Apart from that, they have very good heat conducting capabilities while withstanding the effects of high temperatures.

How Do You Clean and Maintain a Stirred Tank?

Well, cleaning and maintaining the stirred tanks is a very simple process due to the design of the stirrer tanks.

Stirred tanks allow you easy access to the internal parts thus making the whole cleaning experience simple.

Here are some of the things you will do when cleaning the stirred tanks.

First, you will have to stop all the operations of the stirred tank and allow it to cool down.

After that, you will open up the upper part of the stirred tanks to gain proper access to the internal parts.

You can refer to the daily inspection records to identify the parts of the machine that require maintenance.

After that, you can begin the cleaning process by soaking and scrubbing off the stubborn stains from the equipment.

As soon as you complete that, you will make sure that you get rid of all the residues within the pipe delivery systems.

Remember to replace the broken parts and repair the lose parts in case the damage is not extensive.

Finally, you will replace the parts of the stirred tank slowly in readiness for testing and continuous operations.

How Do You Increase the Efficiency of the Stirred Tank?

You can increase the efficiency of the stirred tanks by performing the following functions.

·         Proper Record Keeping

You ought to take daily records of the operations of the stirrer tanks which will help you identify faults.

With this information, you will be able to adjust the faults on the stirrer tank accordingly to increase efficiency.

·         Proper Configuration of the Machine

You must also use the control panel indiscriminately to optimize the functions of the stirred tanks.

Setting the configurations to work at maximum efficiency will help in improving the overall working output.

·         Cleaning on Regular Basis

You must also clean the machine on a regular basis to get rid of the impurities that might that hinder performance.

·         Replacement of Parts

You must also replace the parts of the stirrer tank regularly as soon as they are broken or worn out.

What is the Difference Between the Stirred Tanks and the Plug Flow Reactor?

Well, you can use the stirred tank reactors and plug flow reactors to mix different reactants.

Stirred tank reactors uses a tank and a stirrer to help in the mixing of different fluid and solid reagents.

You will introduce the reagents through the inlet side and allow the mixture to leave through the exit side.

Plug flow reactors, on the other hand, does not use a tank or stirrer but a whole tube for mixing purposes.

In this case, different fluid reagents will flow through the tube and collide with others.

It will result into the release of a homogenous mixture at the other end of the tube.

How Does the Batch Reactor Compare to the Stirred Tanks?

Batch reactor

Batch reactor

You can also use the batch reactor and stirred tanks in the whole reagent mixing process.

Batch reactors is the simplest form of mixer that you can use which mixes different reagents within set time period.

On the other hand, you will also use the stirred tanks to mix different reagents using a tank and stirrer.

In both cases, you must control the temperature and pressure of mixing the reagents.

Apart from that, the resident time distribution is also a very important factor to consider.

Is Chemical Reactors a Stirrer Tank?

Yes, stirrer tanks are special types of chemical reactors that you can use in the mixing of different types of reagents.

In short, stirred reactors come in a range of shapes and designs with varying performances.

You can contact FilSon Filters now for all your stirred tank needs.

The post Stirred Tank: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings: The Ultimate FAQ Guide Wed, 08 Sep 2021 14:29:49 +0000 Before you import polypropylene bag filter housing, read this guide. It has all information you’re looking for about these bag filter housings such as design, configuration, connection mechanism, components and working principle, amongst others. Keep reading this guide if you want to be an expert in these filter housings. What is Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings? …

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings: The Ultimate FAQ Guide Read More »

The post Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.

Before you import polypropylene bag filter housing, read this guide.

It has all information you’re looking for about these bag filter housings such as design, configuration, connection mechanism, components and working principle, amongst others.

Keep reading this guide if you want to be an expert in these filter housings.

What is Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

This is a casing that houses bag filters.

As the name suggests, this filter housing is made from polypropylene material.

Therefore, you will install you bag filters in this housing.

After which, you will connect it to the piping system.

Bag filter housing and bag filter

Bag filter and bag filter housing

What are the Benefits of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

You can use Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings due to the following reasons:

  • Can have supporting legs
  • Complete propylene construction
  • Compact design
  • Ultraviolet resistance
  • Light weight
  • Durable
  • The bag elements range from 1-800 Microns
  • Threaded outlet-inlet connections
  • High flow rates of up to 200 LPM
  • Bolted lid
  • Wide chemical compatibility
  • A low pressure drop design
  • Easy to install and maintain

What are the Limitations of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

Here are some of the limitations of a Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing:

  1. Cleaning and maintenance of this device is a bit complex considering having to clean the inner parts and inner walls as well as inlets and outlets.
    You need a steam/high pressure cleaner to clean the device well.
  2. If not secured properly, the Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing could experience continuous movement/shaking.
    This will impair efficient operation of the device in the filtration system.
  3. If your Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing has a screw lid it can wear out fast.
    Thus, it may not operate optimally.
    The constant opening and closing of the lid when in use makes the propylene thread wear out.
    As such, the housing is not securely attached to protect the bag filter.
  4. Some of the Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings are costly to design and build.

Where should you use Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

You can use Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings in both commercial and residential application.

Some of the places where you can use Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings are:

  • Water treatment plants
  • Seawater applications
  • Domestic RO
  • Desalination
  • Textile

What are the uses of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings are mainly used to encase the bag filters.

They facilitate the operation of the filtering systems.

The uses of this device include:

Bag filter housing

Bag filter housing

  • Used in corrosive liquid processing.
  • Used in the filtering of food products, plating solutions, corrosive chemicals, acids and filter water.

What is a Polypropylene Bag Filter?

Polypropylene bag filter

Polypropylene bag filter

It is a device made of propylene material and used as part of the filtering system.

It is a depth type filter capable of trapping contaminants in different depths to achieve the requirements of filtration.

It is made through quality inspection cutting, felting, seaming or welding process.

What are the Benefits of Polypropylene Bag Filter?

Below are some of the benefits of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings:

  • There is more choice for fabric treatment and weights
  • More options for sizes, finishes, coatings and configurations
  • Excellent dimensional stability
  • High durability
  • Has an excellent combination of durability, airflow and filtration efficiency
  • Excellent resistance to mechanical damage over the life of the device

Are there Limitations of Polypropylene Bag Filter?

Even though they are effective in many applications, polypropylene bag filter present some shortcomings.

Some of these limitations of Polypropylene Bag Filters are:

  1. Ultrafine particles easily pass through the bag filter hence not undergoing any filtration. There is limited trapping capacity, and this contributes to the inefficiency of the device.
  2. Customized polypropylene bags are costly compared to the standard ones.
    To make a customized bag filter, you need additional materials, more complex designs and experts.
  3. Some of them have lower filtration qualities compared to bag filters made from other materials.

How does Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing compare to Stainless Steel Filter Housing?

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing and Stainless-Steel Filter Housing are two widely available devices in the market used to house bag filters.

Below are some of the ways in which the devices compare:

Polypropylene bag filter housing

Polypropylene bag filter housing

Stainless steel bag filter housing

Stainless steel bag filter housing

·         Materials

While a Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing is made using polypropylene material, Stainless Steel Filter Housing is made using stainless steel material.

Due to these chosen materials, the devices have excellent chemical compatibility and high corrosion resistance.

·         Applications

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing is highly chemical resistance hence suitable for seawater applications.

Stainless Steel Filter Housing are suitable for liquid filtration applications. It is also resistant to rust, salty water and most chemicals.

In cases where the Stainless-Steel Filter housing is incompatible with the fluid, Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing can be used instead.

·         Cost

Both Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing and Stainless-Steel Filter Housing are sold at different costs in the market.

The cost depends on the material used in their manufacture, designs, specific manufacturer and connection types among others.

Is there Size Limitations for Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

No, there are different sizes of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings.

This device comes in size 1 and 2 for applications where materials such as stainless steel are incompatible with the fluid that is to be processed.

A sample Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings can be size Dia 4″ x 10″ Long, Dia 4″ x 20.

The length of the device will depend on the length of PP bag filter same as the diameter.

Which Material is used to make Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

Just as the name suggests, this device is made using propylene material.

However, not all parts of a Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing are made with this material.

Below are the materials used to make the housing and its related parts:

Housing and basket are made using polypropylene material.

Polypropylene material is chemical resistant.

The seal is made using Buna-N material

How do you Connect Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings to Piping Systems?

You can connect Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings to Piping Systems using a threaded or flange connection.

When installing the pipe connections ensure that they are stress free.

Avoid applying additional weight on the pipe connections unless a manufacturer explicitly states so.

Facilitating this connection has to be professionally and according to local and national codes and regulations.

What are the Components of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

For a Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings to function efficiently on different operating conditions/applications, it must have some important components.

Part of filter housing

Parts of filter housing

These components include:

  • Housing
  • Flanged inlet and outlet connections
  • Top vent
  • Bottom drain
  • Built-in valve
  • Gauge tap
  • Basket
  • O-ring

What are the available Designs of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

There are different designs of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings:

·         Multi-bag Filter Housing

Multi bag filter housing

Multi-bag filter housing

Multi-bag filter housing is built to hold greater flow rates and greater dirt capacities.

This housing comes with 2-23 bags or more.

It is suitable for solids loading application and higher flow rate.

Not all multi-bag filter housing is a single vessel holding multiple bags.

Some devices are a combination of several single-bag housings, connected together and controlled automatically or manually with valves.

The device, therefore, has a continuous flow filter solution enabling you to divert flow to one or more chambers during a bag change out.

With this design, an application would often need frequent bag changes and can operate with lower costs and maintenance times.

·         Single Bag Filter Housing

Single bag filter housing

Single bag filter housing

This Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing design is often constructed with polypropylene material. It has superior corrosion resistance, temperature capabilities and high-pressure.

Single bag filter housing avails technologically advanced filtration capabilities for different applications.

They come in different sizes, models, and pressure ratings.

It is suitable for smaller applications that require solid collections and a lower flow rate.

Single bag filter housing is less complex and highly economical.

How do you Install Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

The installation of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings is easy.

First, you unpack the device and check for any damages.

Take the enclosed data sheets, operating instructions, and illustrations read carefully and then set aside for future use.

Ensure that all the accessories are enclosed.

Also, remove the plastic protective caps from the included flanges.

When installing this device, ensure that you do not reverse the inlet and outlet.

At times, the inlet and outlet may not be market.

In such cases, you should note that the inlet is positioned above the outlet which is often at the bottom.

This inlet allows the flow of liquid into the filter bag so that the direction of flow is from the inside to the outside.

Facilitate secure installation by efficiently bolting the device to the bag filter.

You do not need a separate base frame when installing this device since the housing is built to stand vertically without falling/tipping over.

You have to integrate the device into the right piping system.

You connect the housing to the piping system via a connection to facilitate the flow of liquids during filtration.

Installation onsite is easy because the client gives the parameters such as length, position and diameter.

What should you Consider when Choosing Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

You should consider the following aspects when choosing these bag filter housings:

        i.            Material of Construction

The grade of polypropylene used has to be of high quality.

Besides, the material chosen to make the other parts of the device should be high quality, chemical compatible and meets the FDA regulations.

       ii.            Operating Conditions

The type of device that you pick must function effectively in the application conditions.

In seawater applications where the conditions increase the risk of rusting, then polypropylene bag filter housing is the best device.

In this case, Steel Bag Filter Housing is not a good option.

     iii.            Connection Types

When choosing a Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings, you have to pick one that has the suitable connection type.

It could have a flange or threaded or socket connection.

The one you choose should be effective in facilitating the connection to the piping system.

     iv.            Size/Design

One can choose a single/multi-bag filter housing depending on their intended application.

A single one is as good as a multi-bag filter housing in several aspects such as operation.

Also, you can choose a 1 or 2 size Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing depending on the needs of the client.

       v.            Cost

The cost of polypropylene filter very depending on a range of factors such as:

  • Material grade
  • Size
  • Type of finish
  • Application
  • Minimum order quantity

Contact us now for inquiry or free consultations on polypropylene filter housing.

What Types of Lids can you use in Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

The type of lid you chose for your Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings should be durable, easy to use and high quality.

There are two main types of lids as shown below:

  • Bolted lid
  • Screwed lid

A bolted lid is better than a screwed lid.

This is because the polypropylene thread on the housing wears out over time.

Of course, this is due to repeated closing and opening of the screwed lid.

This activity damages the lid closure arrangement.

What is the Cost of Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings are cost-effective. The manufacture, inspection and maintenance of this device is cost efficient.

Of course, the price per unit will depend on a number of factors such material, design, surface finish and MOQ.

You can request for a quote to get an accurate prices of polypropylene bag filter housing.

How do you Customize Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings are customized based on specific drawings and user needs.

Companies often manufacturer Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings from scratch.

They allow a full suite of customizations and options available to customers.

Some of the available options include:

Closure lid type, flange type/connection, pressure design, size of filter bag that it supports, material and the number of bags the device houses.

Overall, a customer gives their Polypropylene Bag Filter requirements depending on the drawing specifications and designs.

What is the Maximum Working Temperature for Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

The maximum working temperature for this device is 100 Degree F or more.

This statistic varies depending on the intended use of the Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings.

It also depends on the requirements of a user/client.

Do Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings have a Warranty?

This device has a warranty of around 1 year or more.

During this time when you notice any manufacture defaults you can return it back to the supplier/manufacturer.

However, physical damages inflicted on the device due to improper use, carelessness or accidents are not covered by the warranty.

Some devices have a warranty of around 5 years. The warranty depends on the manufacturer/supplier of the device.

How long will Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings Last?

A Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing lasts around 10 years.

This device is durable and dependable.

However, repetitive use of the device increases the risk of catastrophic failures.

Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing may develop cracks or pits which hamper its ability to function efficiently.

To avoid experiencing these problems, you should probably replace your Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing after five years.

What is the Maximum Working Pressure for Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings?

Polypropylene bag filter housing

Polypropylene bag filter housing

This device has a maximum working pressure of 100PSI

Note: the maximum working pressure for Polypropylene Bag Filter Housing could be customized.

Depending on your specifications, we can have either high or low pressure rating.

At FilSon Filters, we design and manufacture a range of polypropylene bag filter housings.

Our team guarantees, high quality polypropylene bag filter housing at competitive prices.

Contact us now for free consultations.

The post Polypropylene Bag Filter Housings: The Ultimate FAQ Guide appeared first on Filson Filter.
