Star Pleated Element: The Complete Guide

Probably, you might be looking for a star pleated element for filtration.

A corrosion resistant filter element that offers a wide filtration surface area.

If that is the case, then this is a must read the guide.

It will take you through the critical parts of the star pleated element including the features and technical characteristics.

Let’s dive right in.

What is a Star Pleated Element?

A star pleated element can either be simplex or duplex filters for filtration of liquids.

The liquid filter depends on sieves to get rid of the contaminants in the flowing liquids.

It has a support body at the center and a mesh to cover the support body.

The mesh will act as the filter element or the sieve.

Star pleated filter element

Star pleated filter element

Different liquids such as water, oil, liquid fuel, and lubricants flow from the outside to the inside.

In the process, the filter media blocks the dust particles from flowing past the filter element.

After that, the clean liquid will flow contaminant free back to the system.

In the process, the star pleated element protects the pumps, bearings, and valves from damage.

Types of Star Pleated Elements

There are two main types of star pleated filter elements.

Let’s find out the difference between the two types.

Star pleated filter element

Star pleated filter element

· Simplex Filter Types

Simplex filters are the basic models available for the star pleated element.

The design is compact and allows for easy cleaning.

You will have to shut off the system operations whenever you want to clean the simplex filters.

They serve the purpose of protecting the system from siltation and soiling from contaminants.

· Duplex Filter Types

This design allows you to continue operating the system even during the cleaning process.

In this system, there are two separate star pleated filter elements.

It also has a switch plug that will divert the flow of the liquids.

In case you need to clean the filters, you will have to divert the flow of the liquid to one filter.

After that, you will clean the filter and replace it in time to allow you to clean the other filter element.

Using the same switch plug, you will divert the flow to the clean filter and clean the other one.

Benefits of s Star Pleated Element

Star pleated filter element has quite a number of advantages.

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of using the star pleated filter element.

  1. Pleats on the filter media increase the surface area for the fluid to flow through in a small diameter. It increases the cleaning intervals with very low pressure losses.
  2. Mostly, filter element is stainless steel which is corrosion free. It is also a strong material that can withstand high pressure and temperatures.
  3. Star pleated filter element attains a filtration fineness between 10 to 250 microns. It is able to clean or remove the smallest of contaminants in the flowing liquids.
  4. Cost of operation using the star pleated filter element is also very low. It has a backflush function that is able to operate to precision.
  5. It is easy to clean using very small volumes of flashes as the contaminants are easy to remove.
  6. Replacement of star pleated element is simple and straight forward.
  7. Using the star pleated filter element guarantees the safety of the user.

Star Pleated Element with Magnetic Insert

Apart from the two main types of star pleated filter element (simplex and duplex).

There is a star pleated filter element with a magnetic insert.

Let’s see how this type of element operates.

Filter with magnet

Filter with magnet – Photo courtesy: Machinery and lubrication

In case of a high proportion of ferrite in a liquid, you will need a magnet to assist in filtration.

In this case, you will go for the star pleated filter element with a magnetic insert.

The magnetic insert has a cylindrical magnet on a rod of metal. the metal rod with the magnet is at the center of the filter element.

In case you want to clean the element, you have to remove the metal rod first.

Using a brush, you can wipe off the contaminants on the metal rod before placing it back.

Cleaning of the Star Pleated Elements

The star pleated filter element gathers a lot of contaminants in the cleaning process.

At times the contaminants clog the filter element and disrupts the normal function.

Installing a differential pressure indicator will help you detect pressure loss in the system.

This indication will inform you inform you of a clog in the filter element.

Self cleaning filter

 Self-cleaning filter

In such a case, the only options are to clean or replace the star pleated filter elements.

This section will take you through two main types of cleaning processes.

Without further ado, let’s learn more.

· Ultrasonic bath

Ultrasonic bath is a process that depends on ultrasound to assist in the agitation of a fluid.

You can use water or any fluid that is appropriate for cleaning the star pleated filter element.

The type of fluid in use will depend on the contaminants and the filter media.

First, you will have to shut down the system in case you are using a simplex filter.

You can activate the switch plug to divert the flow of liquids in case of a duplex filter.

After that, release the pressure in the contamination chamber.

Using the vent screw, you can easily remove the cover of the filter housing.

Remove the filter star pleated filter element using a sieve frame.

You can start by shaking the filter element to remove the coarse contaminants.

Soak the filter element in a cleaning solvent for some time.

It will soften the adhering contaminants and allow them to fall off easily.

Using ultrasound to agitate the cleaning solvent, the adhering contaminants will fall off easily.

After that, you can place the filter element under light pressure cleaning.

Remove the filter element from the bath and use compressed air to blow out the solvents.

In a matter of four to five hours, be sure that the element is clean enough.

Replace it and adjust all the joints properly.

In a simplex element, you can turn the system on and continue the filtration process.

In a duplex system, use the switch valve to divert flow of liquids and clean the other filter.

· High Pressure Nozzle

This process will follow the same procedures of removing the filter element for the simplex and duplex system.

The difference will come in the cleaning process of the star pleated filter element.

In this case, you will use a high pressure nozzle to remove the contaminants.

The nozzle can emit a solvent most preferably water at high pressure or blow air at high pressure.

The solvent flowing at high pressure will dislodged the contaminants from the filter element.

It will also soak the adhering contaminants which will fall off easily in the second attempt.

After that, you will blow off the solvent from the filter element as a process of drying it up.

Replace the filter element and allow it the filtration process to continue.

Technical Specifications of a Star Pleated Element

Having information about the technical specifications is useful in planning.

You can plan for the type of star pleated element you need.

Pleated star filter element

Pleated star filter element

Apart from that, it will enhance the language you speak when negotiating with a supplier.

Let’s have a look at some of the technical specifications you need to know.

· Filter Media (stainless Steel)

The filter media in star pleated filter element is wire mesh.

Normally, the mesh is stainless steel and can withstand very high pressure and temperature.

It is also corrosion resistant and is able to serve you for a long time.

It is also strong enough to prevent the structure from lodging.

· Magnetic Insert (Optional)

Depending on the type of fluid, you might need to use a star pleated element with a magnetic insert.

You will use this type of filter element in cleaning fluids with excess of ferrite contaminants.

It is an optional part and you can choose to ignore it if you don’t need it.

· Filtration Grades (10 micrometers – 250 micrometers)

The filtration grades vary according to the type of contaminants in the fluid.

Remember, the smaller the contaminants, the smaller the filtration grades.

Normally, the filtration grades range from 10 micrometers to 250 micrometers.

You can also decide on the filtration grade based on the type of fluid.

· Dimensions (length, diameter)

The dimensions of the filter element will also vary according to the application.

Also, the dimensions of the star pleated filter element are usually in millimeters or inches.

In case you are ordering for a custom filter, remember to include the length and diameter.

· End Cap (stainless steel wire mesh)

The end cap on every star pleated filter element helps in preventing leakage.

Most end caps are stainless steel and they help in holding the parts of the filter element together.

Stainless steel end caps are also compatible with most fluids making it a better material of choice.

· Micron rating

Micron ration of the filter element will vary according to the type of fluid and the contaminants.

The smaller the contaminants in the fluid, the smaller the micron rating.

Remember, the micron ratings also range between 10 micrometers to 200 micrometers.

Alternative micron ratings are available on your request.

· Material

The main material manufacturers use in making this filter element is stainless steel.

It is corrosion resistant and compatible with most fluids.

It is also strong enough to withstand extreme conditions of temperature and pressure.

Manual Replacement of the Star Pleated Element

A star pleated filter element works best when the differential pressure is high.

Using a differential pressure indicator, it is easy to identify loss of pressure in the system.

Low pressure might be an indication of clogging in the filter element.

It is, therefore, important to clean or replace the star pleated filter element.

This section of the guide will take you through manual replacement of a star pleated element.

Let’s begin with the basics.

Sections of filter elements

Sections of filter element

Gather all the materials that you need for the replacement process.

Make sure that you have the replacement of the star pleated filter element available.

Apart from that, your safety is paramount so put on the right safety attire.

Depending on the type of system, you might need to switch the whole system off.

In a simplex system, you will have to switch the system off.

In duplex system, use the switch plug to divert the flow of liquids to the one side.

After that, release the pressure within the system and allow it to cool down.

Remove the housing and the star pleated filter element.

A close examination will help you know the extent of damage on the filter.

Repairs on the filter are not easy but in this case, you will replace it with a new filter.

Look at the adjacent joining parts and ensure they are in a good condition.

If not, make the replacements of the necessary parts.

Replace the old filter with the new one and make sure it fits well.

Tighten all the parts and make sure everything is in order before replacing the housing.

After that you can resume the cleaning operations.

You can also switch the flow of liquids to the other chamber in case of a duplex system.

It will allow you to replace the other side following the same procedure.

Applications of the Star Pleated Element

Different industries use the star pleated filter element in cleaning different types of liquids.

Many industries prefer to use it because of its wide surface area.

In lubrication oils, it removes the contaminants that would damage the system.

These contaminants may damage the moving parts of the machines.

Fully functional filtration system

Fully functional filtration system

Water is very sensitive especially if it is for consumption.

The star pleated filter element assists in removing contaminants that could be harmful to our health.

Contaminants in heavy fuels may alter the combustion process and cause damage.

The star pleated filter element helps in removing the contaminants and leaves it clean.

Chemicals do not require any form of alteration from contaminants.

Contaminants can alter the chemical composition of the chemicals thus affecting the purity.

To ensure maximum purity, the star pleated filter element removes all the contaminants.

Cooling lubricants need to be clean enough to avoid damage on the moving parts.

Using a star pleated filter element will help in eliminating the contaminants.

It will ensure smooth operations on the moving parts of machines.


Ordering for a custom star pleated element has never been this easy.

With the information from this guide, you can negotiate for a better deal.

Wait no more, call your manufacturer and order for a good star pleated element that suits your needs.

Remember to follow all to negotiate the terms using the right specifications.

Contact us today for your star pleated element filters.

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